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Major error in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2024-07-18Updated:2024-07-18
Similar words: majorettemajor equipmentcomputer errormajorforecast errorc majormajorsmajor in
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1. The Government are making a major error by dismissing local income tax out of hand.
2. Multipath becomes a major error resource when using the short baseline differential GPS.
3. One major error was not encouraging the production of consumer goods, another was the misuse of workers' abilities.
4. What is the major error that people make when dating online for the first time?
5. Secondly, on the occasion of major error, this article discusses eight situations of not allowing exercising the right of withdrawing the legal act.
6. The major error source of GPS systems, especially of differential GPS, is the multipath signals. It will deteriorate the precision of positioning.
7. If you've made a major error on the job, she points out, "It may reflect a lack of attention and interest in what you're doing."
8. On the other hand, a major error is defined as having occurred when a susceptible strain is classified as resistant.
9. Its major error cames from inaccuracy in edgo line cutting.
10. Table 1 summarizes the major error sources for the three references that are compared in this application note.
11. Precision of GPS location is effected by many elements. Major error origins are error related with GPS satellite, error related with signal propagation and error related with accepting equipments.
12. Considers that when calculating the influencing zone of a thermal bridge in the exterior wall and simplifying it as a one dimension infinite plane, the result may have a major error.
13. He said not doing so now would be a major error.
14. In the case of the code I've been using for this article, there's a major error in the interaction between the two loops in the constructor.
15. The refraction of the neutral atmosphere, including the troposphere and stratosphere, is one of the major error sources for GPS positioning.
16. The results show that gravity disturbance vector is a major error source for high accuracy inertial navigation system.
16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
17. In adaptive optics system, the noise of wavefront sensor is a major error source.
18. The make up and basic principles of a flame temperature measuring system using colored array CCD (charge coupled device) are described along with an analysis of its major error sources.
19. Despite that, the early version of general relativity had a major error, a miscalculation of the amount a light beam would bend due to gravity.
20. Williams: No, I think the Civil Rights Act was a major error.
More similar words: majorettemajor equipmentcomputer errormajorforecast errorc majormajorsmajor inmajorcamajor taskmajoritymajor keyursa majormajor-domojohn majormajor portmajor axiscanis majormajor unitmajordomodrum majormajor termmajor modemajor suitmajor trendmajor powermajor statemajor companymajor scalemajor parts
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